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On Radical Noticing

poetry by David Breeden

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On Radical Noticing, a collection of poems and reflections, is at once a memoir, a poetics of free thought, and a pean to the natural world. Radical noticing is a spiritual practice in the tradition of poets such as Emily Dickinson and William Carlos Williams.

POETRY / General

ISBN: 978-1-962082-32-7 (print; softcover; perfect bound)

LCCN: 2024941393

Released August 2024  |  Copyright 2024

138 pages


Rev. Dr. David Breeden is a Unitarian Universalist minister and author. He has served as the Senior Minister at the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis (FUS) since 2013. The First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis is a historic congregation with a long-standing tradition of congregational humanism, progressive thought, and social activism. Dr. Breeden has an MFA from The Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa, a Ph.D. from the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi, with additional study at Breadloaf and in writing and Buddhism at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He also has a Master of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago.

As a scholar and author, Dr. Breeden has contributed to various publications, including essays, articles, and books. His works often challenge conventional beliefs and encourage critical thinking. His published books include A Little Book of Living Through the Day: Poems During a Pandemic, The Art of Prophecy, After the Bloody Mary Game: Living Into Humanism, Daodejing: a translation, Deep Fragrance (in the Valley of the Void), News from the Kingdom of God: Meditations on the Gospel of Thomas, They’ve Played for Timelessness (with Chips of When), This is Just to Say, Meditations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams.

Dr. Breeden is an adjunct faculty member of United Theological School in the Twin Cities and Chairs the Education Committee of the American Humanist Association. He is a professional member of PEN and is an Associate member of the Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought (IARPT). He was the 2023 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award by the American Humanist Association.


“Some poets are like signposts. They guide you on your way. Other poets take a different tack. They aren’t so much concerned with getting you from point A to point B. They just want you to finally loosen your grip. To trust that this world of ours is tender, despite all we have seen. To believe, once again, that it is possible to fall into the sky and be caught. That’s what David Breeden’s words do. They light a fire just when you thought all that was left was the cold wind.” —Rev. Scott Tayler, Team Lead of Soul Matters Sharing Circle

“Thought provoking but not destructive, philosophical but not heavy-handed or preachy, with language well suited to the probing ideas”
Jerome A. Stone, former chair of Department of Philosophy, William Rainey Harper College; author of Religious Naturalism Today and Sacred Nature

Radical Noticing is a wonderful title for this collection of the acuity that inhabits the mind and heart of David Breeden. He takes you there, and then there, fully embodied and mortal and insistent, and the fogs drift away.”
Ursula Goodenough, Professor of Biology Emerita at Washington University in St. Louis, president of the Religious Naturalist Association

Articles and Reviews


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